What distro are you running?

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Jazzy Vidalia
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What distro are you running?

Post by Jazzy Vidalia »

For all you Linux users out there what distro(s) are you running and why?

These days I am all in on Debian 12. It's my long-time favorite distribution. Been running it consistently since Debian 8 when I switched around 2017 and I love it for that rock solid stability—no surprises, updates just work, everything is well documented with things like manpage requirements for every package, etc.

Debian is basically Ubuntu without the cruft. Maybe it is just my UNIX greybeard showing, but I mostly never cared too much for Ubuntu. A lot of the things that make it "simpler" or "easier" or added features were mostly bloat that got in the way or would come to bite me in the ass. In addition, I much prefer Flatpak to Snaps and such.

To keep up with newer software, I do use Flatpak as a supplement which provides all the software I do need these days outside of the repos and most everything I need these days is in the Gnome Software application.

And yes, I keep it simple with Gnome using the default theme which is honestly one of the best default themes ever created and the best modern default desktop theme, IMHO. Also, Gnome / GTK+ applications tend to have much better designs even if they are often simpler but most of the needed features for me are there. I find KDE / QT applications to be a bit crowded and they tend to want to throw everything at you, but I do give both desktops a shot every time I do a major upgrade.

As for the server here—of course it is running Debian on a LEMP stack.

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Re: What distro are you running?

Post by Drakocxjo »

I haven't run Linux in a while but fuck do I miss it. There was so much freedom to it all.

Its just so much harder to run games and shit on it though. Never mind VR.

I tried a bunch of distros, though I liked the ones where I could customize the design to a degree unheard of, I even made a LinuxFromScratch system and called it DragonDistro, to try and get the most customization possible. Most of my linux though was spent on Mint, with the KDE desktop (I like the wavy windows :3).

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Re: What distro are you running?

Post by MediaActivist »

I started out with computers late in life, back in the mid-late 90's, using Microsoft Windows, then by the 2000s switched to Mac OS. Then around 2010 got involved in trying to refurbish old computers and therefore got into Linux! I started out with Ubuntu, then Fedora, then ended up trying things like Elementary, Mint, and Manjaro, fell in love with the idea of Arch and eventually just used Arch itself.

Now to answer your question! (That was just for context!) I am now using Pop_OS! on laptop (eOS on mobile), just because I have come to need and want speedy simplicity, functionality, and a pretty GUI. And as you can tell, I just have to finally stop distro-hopping so much! There are so many wonderful distros, and for me, I respect the choice folks have when using any Linux distro, really; everyone has different needs and personal preferences.

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Re: What distro are you running?

Post by sextutorial2 »

yea for me it's gotta be ubuntu
i'm not a linux type yk, like i can make my way around the cmd line fine, cd this ls that grep whatever but i just like how everything's packed in
like granted that shit runs slow asf on my celeron n3350 but it does the things i need it to do
barring that i also got slackware on my toughbook but i'm thinkin about switchin back to w2k cuz at least that shit supports wifi

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Re: What distro are you running?

Post by justnolan »

I use Linux less these days than I used to. Having kids that wanted to play things that didn’t work with WINE forced my hand years ago. These days I have a Debian install on WSL, and run a wireless raspbian storage/file server. I have lots of good experience with Debian systems and running it inside Windows (most often on my ARM based Galaxybook) gives me the tools I need when I want them and stays out of the way. Less mucking around with config files, more productivity overall.

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Re: What distro are you running?

Post by basakumeak »

i don't even know what to install right now

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