RIP Bozo: War Criminal Henry Kissinger Dead

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Jazzy Vidalia
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RIP Bozo: War Criminal Henry Kissinger Dead

Post by Jazzy Vidalia »

Rolling Stone Magazine reports that war criminal Henry Kissinger, architect of some of the largest massacres and atrocities of the mid- and late 20th Century has died today. Kissinger served the American Empire as a "statesman" who consistently and enthusiastically advocated for the targeting of civilian populations. His greatest achievements involved the Mai Lai Massacre and the bombings of Laos. During the Vietnam war he demanded access to the raw, classified intelligence so that he could sometimes personally make decisions on which civilians should be bombed. In total, somewhere between 3-4 million people have died from his aggression against the third-world whether in Vietnam and South East Asia or in South America where he promoted the overthrow of democracies and supported the death squads of fascists like Pinochet. His support for embargoes against entire nation's economies led to the deaths of half a million children in Iraq under Saddam Hussein.

In addition to his war crimes, this politically savvy crminal encouraged Nixon to go after Daniel Ellsberg who published the Pentagon Papers which exposed the autrocities the US was attempting to cover up in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. In private, he encouraged Nixon to spy on his political enemies, leading up to Watergate.

Over the next week or so the media is gonna try to elevate this monster, apotheosizing him and placing him alongside the likes of Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, or Kennedy. However, his legacy is clear: he created a world order where American corporations and crony capitalist interests preside over the rights and dignity of humanity—a world where profit is both king and law. It is a world which our generation hopes to see it's last sunset so that a new dawn of dignity, egality, and liberty might emerge where all people are respected and the workers of the developing world are seen as equal to us, not servants and serfs to be exploited from the same buisinesses which have shown no shame now in abandoning "their own."

No matter the propaganda the next few weeks he will be remembered by my generation as a ghoul, a monster, and a criminal. Rest in piss and may he live a thousand lives in Hell.

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